How Often Should You Get A Massage For The Best Results?
Most people think that getting a massage once in a while is enough to keep them healthy and feeling their best, but this may not be the case. In order to see the best results, you may need to get a massage more often than you think. Keep reading to find out how often you should be getting massages for optimal health.
How often can you get a massage?
The concern around how often should you get a massage is quite prevalent among consumers. The optimal massage frequency depends on the individual requirements, like the treated area, the type of massage, and your budget.
Massage for back pain
If you suffer from severe back pain, make sure a massage procedure is ideal for pain relief. You will want to schedule massage sessions daily for around ten days to receive optimal effects. Consult your physician regarding treatment duration, while the 12-week course of massage therapies is the average recommendation.
Massage for neck pain
How often can you get a massage for neck pain relief? Remember that frequent massage
sessions are suitable for reducing neck pain in the shortest term. Therefore, booking massages twice or thrice a week is your best bet.
Massage for stress relief
Many individuals value massages for stress management – you might not even guess how many stressful situations are in our daily routine. This treatment works well to reduce cortisol levels in the body, a body’s primary stress hormone, and eliminate tension. Scheduling massage therapy once a month is usually enough to manage the stress that occurs on a daily basis.
Massage for face & antiaging
Face massage is perfect for receiving smoother skin texture and decreasing fine lines that appear on the face. It also works great for stimulating collagen production in the skin. Even though self-massaging your face for around five minutes every day will never hurt, professional facial massage should take place not more often than once every three or four weeks.
What is the recommended massage frequency?
The general recommendation for frequency of full body massage is between once a week and once per three weeks. Anyway, it all depends on multiple personal factors and the patient’s concerns.
What are the benefits of weekly massage?
The major benefits of weekly massage include less tension and stress, better sleep, improved circulation, strengthening the lymphatic system, increased mental alertness, repair of energy levels, balanced microbiome, etc. The promising weekly massage benefits are the first reason to book the advanced Cocoon’s massage treatments today.
Massage cures are available at Cocoon Wellness Spa
Specialists at Cocoon Wellness Spa know how to deliver evolved relaxation and multiple physical and mental health benefits to our clients within next-level massage therapies. We offer a diversity of massage options to suit your needs and budget – from Cocoon Gold Asian massage and Asian fusion massage to blissful harmony Marma point massage and not only. Don’t hesitate to make your first appointment at Cocoon Wellness Spa and say goodbye to annoying pain and stress.